What is QGenome?

QGenome is a clinical decision support tool funded by NHSE and Guy’s and St Thomas’ charity. It provides genomic referral, risk assessment and testing guidance for clinicians in an easily accessible user-friendly format.

QGenome is an expansion of Guy’s and St Thomas’ successful Cancer Genetics app, launched in 2016.

How can I access QGenome?

QGenome is available on iOS, Android and a website. The iOS and Android apps can be freely downloaded on the AppleStore and GooglePlay respectively. If you are having difficulties downloading the app or accessing the website please email support@ubqo.com

Existing users of the Cancer Genetics app can seamlessly transfer across to QGenome by simply updating the app on the AppleStore or GooglePlay.

How to get started

QGenome has been specifically developed for clinicians and currently requires users to register with an NHS or private healthcare organisational email. Upon registering, users are asked to choose their GMSA (Genomic Medicine Service Alliance) depending on the location of their organisation or clinical practice. The user can then access all the content contained in their GMSA library.

Upon entering their GMSA library, users will see 4 different tabs, which allow them to navigate different areas of the app and its content:

Latest – takes users to the latest published content for their library.

A-Z – provides content in alphabetical order and is searchable by key words.

Collections – groups related documents and workflows for ease of access e.g. bowel cancer, aortopathies.

Pages – takes users to landing pages relevant to specific genomic speciality areas e.g. cardiac genomics, primary care guidance.

Is there a user guide for QGenome?

QGenome has a User Guide section which can be accessed through the Collections tab or the Pages tab in the app. It contains specific information about the Format of the app and its Key Features in terms of functionality. Please do take time to explore these elements so that you can get the most out of all the app has to offer.

Is QGenome suitable for patients to use?

QGenome has been developed as a decision aid tool for clinicians and therefore the content is not specifically directed at patients. However clinicians may wish to use the tool together with their patients during consultations if they and the patient feel this is appropriate.

I would find a QGenome pathway for another clinical condition helpful. Who can I contact to ask for additional content?

Please use the Contact Us page on our website to let us know your thoughts and suggestions.